We are collecting data for the upcoming timetable. This allows us to align requests with the program’s teaching requirements and give sufficient time for data entry. A final timetable will be available by end of June.

In order to keep things simple, we are strongly encouraging the 3 x 1h lecture pattern. Any other pattern choice must be justified to Karen (who will seek approval by Hossam) in the Comments section below.

This form is for Tier 3 requests only.

Those needing to make a 1b, 2a or 2b Tiers request should use the Faculty of Arts and Science Timetabling Tiers Tool Form. For an overview of request tiers, see Timetabling in the Collective Agreement

(e.g. auditorium, tiered level classroom, active learning room, etc.)
Any special equipment needed in you need to lecture (e.g. overhead projector)
(e.g. unavailability, size preference, etc.)
This request must be approved by the director.
Any other questions/concerns you may have.